ASA Insurance

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Our Blog

What to Keep in your Glove Box

If a passerby were to look into your glove box, what would they find? Perhaps your car insurance information, a snack stash, or maybe your car’s manual? There are all kinds of things you might keep in this space, but it’s important to ensure you’re keeping the right...

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Door Security Tips for Renters

You’re a renter on the hunt for a new space and you want to keep the things inside your rental apartment as safe as possible. You want to be sure your windows are secure, your belongings are safe, and you have secure parking, among other things. But did you consider...

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We’re Not That Far Away!

For all of your commercial property insurance needs, ASA Insurance in Salt Lake City is just a phone call away! We’ve been finding commercial and personal insurance policies for our clients across Utah since 1949, and we look forward to doing the same for you.