Delivery drivers have been busier than ever in Salt Lake City! Whether they’re delivering food or other goods, there are always plenty of people eager for these services. But when it comes to auto insurance and delivery drivers in Salt Lake City, there are plenty of important things to keep in mind.
Car Insurance for Delivery Drivers in Salt Lake
In today’s post, we’re going to discuss what kind of coverage you need as a delivery driver, as well as what’s covered, what’s not, and some other important considerations. Unfortunately, there are many cases where people don’t realize they don’t have the necessary coverage if they’re in an accident until it’s too late. Don’t miss the rest of this post to ensure you’re never caught without the coverage you need!
Personal insurance versus commercial car insurance
All too often, there are gaps between the coverage offered by delivery companies and how it extends to their employees. For example, a delivery driver’s auto insurance coverage could go into effect once they have picked up an order and are on the way to the customer. The problem is, they are left to their own devices if they’re in an accident on the way to pick up an order.
Now, what does this mean for delivery drivers? First and foremost, they need to get very clear on what their current policy covers. At the same time, they need to be aware of any additional coverage provided by the company they work for.
Using your vehicle for personal use
It’s also important to remember that if you use your personal car for business use, any damage that happens while operating for business-related purposes usually won’t be covered by your personal policy.
This is why most delivery drivers are encouraged to get a commercial car insurance policy, or at the very least, look into it. With that insurance, you’ll be covered whether you’re driving to and from work or conducting work operations in your vehicle.
Are you ready to find out what kind of commercial and personal policy is right for you? Contact us today!